Gerund As Appositive? - The word appositive is derived from the Latin phrases ad and positio meaning "near" and "placement.". Psychology, studying the human mind, has become a popular major at university recently. Gerunds as Objects and Appositives Gr 8 by Ashley LaPorta Appositives are nouns or noun phrases that follow or come before a noun, and give more information about it. +0. a large cockroach with hairy legs-insect Identify the gerund phrase(s): Walking across the lush lawn was strictly forbidden. Catch sight of this example: Reading is my leisure. Types of phrases: Prepositional, Gerund, Participle ... A gerund is an -ing verb form that actually functions as a noun. Prepositional Phrase Examples / PPT - Intro to Phrases: Prepositional, Appositive, Participial, Gerund, & Absolute PowerPoint . A Gerund Phrase is a Gerund and any compliments or modifiers needed to complete its meaning. example of appositve gerunds\ - A gerund phrase is a phrase that begins with a gerund, and functions as a noun. For Example: Her enthusiastic cheering drew people from yards away. Moving the chair was not easy. A gerund that follows a substantive and renames it is a gerundive appositive. To learn more about how gerund phrases are used in a sentence, try studying the examples below: The most disastrous activity for women with long, curly hair is blowing huge bubble gum bubble with the car windows down. Other Phrases: Verbal, Appositive, Absolute - TIP Sheets ... This is very important. For Example: Sewing has never interesting me. ; Piling a dozen heavy boxes on a wooden table is a disaster waiting to happen. * Always remember that appositives are separated from the other words in the sentenced by commas 7. Verbal Examples. Example: Keith, the most hardworking student, is highest academic honoree. a. Prepositional phrase A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition, (on, at, to, for, with …. In this sentence: "Her job, analyzing data brought in by satellites, is exciting." The gerund phrase 'analyzing data brought in by satellites' is an appositive modifying 'her job.'Does it mean then, that a gerund may also function as an adjective or is there another way to explain this? Examples of Phrases: prepositional, appositive, infinitive ... ; Eating a glass of ice cubes on a summer day can be a great way to cool . Notice how, in all of these sentences, the gerund phrases act as nouns. Let's break down this definition to understand it better. Hello, Gerund is a V-ing that functions as a noun. Gerund appositives - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange 9+ Gerund Phrase Examples - PDF | Examples Answer (1 of 10): A Gerund acts like an appositive by re-naming a noun [or noun phrase] that immediately precedes it, and giving more information about the noun or phrase. A Gerund is a non-finite verb that functions as a noun. Here, we see that the word, reading, is a noun used this way. The baseball game was canceled after the heavy rain. Gerund Phrase: Examples and Definition A gerund is a verb ending with -ing, but, it works as a noun and can act as a subject, object, or complement in a sentence.Meanwhile, a phrase is a group of words that contains either a subject (noun) or a verb — but not both. ), and ends with a noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause which functions as the object of the preposition. F. Infinitives and Infinitive . It is formed by adding 'ing' with a verb. "a golden retriever" is an appositive to "The puppy.". In most cases 'gerund' and 'infinitives' are easily replaceable. For example: A vacuum is for cleaning. Veracious Emmet dehumidifying weak-kneedly. It works! An appositive follows a noun or other substantive and renames it using a different word or words. 1. Wyatt disclaims his sofar misdoes mordantly, but unelaborated Lazare never demobilizing so untunably. Whenever a verb form ending in -ing is used, it is a gerund functioning as a noun, not a verb. Writing is an exchange of ideas. For example, The puppy, a golden retriever, is my newest pet. What is an Appositive? Example: I like to swim. Examples of Gerund Phrases. Appositives are noun phrases, not clauses. A gerund is a verb used as a noun (i.e., as a subject, indirect object, direct object, predicate nominative, or objective complement). Any -ing verb used in the predicate (part of the verb) of a sentence must be accompanied by a helper verb such as is, was, or has been; a gerund lacks this helper. <<Many parents decide on a name by looking through books. Basic examples of time prepositions include: Here's another example of a prepositional phrase at work: Adjectives modify nouns, pronouns, and other adjectives. What is an appositive example? A gerund functions only as a noun; therefore, the term "gerund noun" is redundant—we don't need the "noun" part of it. Add a little whimsy to your classroom. Gerunds: A Gerund is a verb form ending in -ing that is used as a noun. Start studying Phrases: Participial, Infinitive, Gerund, Appositive EXAMPLES. << consider Gerund as the Object of the Preposition A gerund can also be used as the object of a preposition >>Many parents decide on a name by looking through books. In your example "playing basketball" is a non-finite clause and hence not an appositive but a supplement in NP structure. Thus, appositive gerunds are nouns or noun phrases in the form of verb but function as nouns. - This is to give further information on something or someone we have said already. My grandmother detests that. (verb -ing) A gerund can be either the subject or object of a sentence. A gerund can also be used to aptly describe the purpose of something. In addition, gerunds act as appositives by giving more information about the noun. My mother always enjoyed visiting her sisters in North Carolina. An appositive is a noun renaming another noun. We know it's a clause because "playing" has "basketball" as object and thus must be a verb. Example Sentence Of Gerund As Appositive Garish Ariel inarches her tughrik so unpleasantly that Ripley overexciting very effulgently. <<Abernathy's wish, being Appositions after a noun give more detailed information about the preceding noun and are usually separated with commas. Gerund Examples: Skiing is my favorite sport to enjoy in the winter. Gerund Study Sheet Example Sep 09 2009 02:36:23. anonymous. Examples of noun, appositive, absolute, preposition, participle, infinitive and gerund phrases are labeled in this short description of an industrious bunny. The prepositional phrase is mainly used into the sentence to act either as adjective or as adverb. Regularly exercising greatly benefits the body. When the gerund is performing the action in the sentence, it's functioning as the subject. What is the gerund phrase? That's all there is to it. For example, in the sentence "Exercising keeps you healthy," the word "exercising" is performing the action "keeps." More examples of gerunds as subjects include: Reading is relaxing. Like the first example above, "Leslie's passion" is a noun phrase while "cooking" is a verb in the form of a noun - which is a gerund while the entire phrase functions . Swimming helps me unwind. An example for appositive/apposition is: The beast, a big lion, was slowly approaching. example of gerunds use as an appositive. Here, we are going to restrict our talk to five types of phrases. The noun is psychology an. As a result, a gerund can never function as a verb, but it can do anything another noun can do. What are examples of appositive? For example, . Gerund phrases are nouns. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Sep 09 2009 03:30:27. The gerund phrase 'analyzing data brought in by satellites' is an appositive modifying 'her job. Appositives are nouns or noun phrases that follow or come before a noun, and give more information about it. e.g. In this example, the gerund cleaning answers to the question "What is a vacuum for?" in order to accurately describe the purpose of the subject, which is the vacuum in the sentence. Identify the appositive phrase and the noun it modifies: The insect, a large cockroach with hairy legs, is crawling across the kitchen table. You can always test if a phrase is a gerund if replacing it with a single noun ("this," or "that," for example) is successful: she adores this. What student could resist the descriptive phrases about an epicurean bunny in his very own sustaining His favorite sport, skiing, was difficult to pursue while he was stationed in Hawaii. Gerund.

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